Monday, March 30, 2009


I am Jill Keller, and I am taking my last class in the MLS program at Drexel University. I work as a records coordinator in the HR department of a large pharmaceutical marketing organization. I hope to someday work for the Congressional Research Service in the Knowledge Services Division. Because most of the groups in the Knowledge Services Division are geared towards science, I am thinking about getting a second Master's degree in a scientific discipline.

Three websites that I visit frequently are Twitter (yes, that's a direct link to my profile), boingboing and Questionable Content.

1 comment:

  1. I love all of those! I had never heard of BoingBoing until I read "Little Brother" by Cory Doctorow, and was linked to it through hiim. Now I read BoingBoing all the time, as well as QC. You can find me on Twitter as Bibliothecaria, too!
